There are many tricks which we dont know and that makes Google more intresting these tricks are as follows,
Type the following Texts in your google search engine,
Do A Barrel Roll
Paste this text “do a barrel roll” in your google search engine and press search then see what it hapens.Then search engine will round at 360 degree.So this is amazing.
Zero Gravity Flat Fall
Type in your google search engine “zero gravity flat fall” then press “i am feeling lucky today” then see gravity will zero of your search engine and now search anything in zero gravity to get amazing results.This is very good trick.It will look like,
Zerg Rush
Search from typing this text in your google account and press “I am feeling Lucky Today” then see what it will break all the searches and makes GG.
Google Sphere
Type this in your google search engine and press i am feeling lucky today.The google search engine will be sphere like and then search your texts and it will provide results in Sphere.
Google Underwater
Type this in your google search engine press “I am feeling Lucky Today” then see google search engine will go underwater and every text you search will be underwater.Its really Cool!!!
Google Pacman
When you type this in your search engine then you see you can play PACMAN game online there.
Type this text in your Google Search Engine then press “I am feeling Lucky Today” see it will show Mirror Images version of Google and every result it will provide in Mirror Images.Actually Elgoog is opposite order of alphabate of Google this happens so.Its Cool trick!!!
Know More About Brain Tricks
This was all about the Google Tricks.
Sometimes, I am totally amazed at how folks get to my blogs, too! That’s a great link!